Future of the Profession

The ACUHO-I Future of the Profession project is a forward-looking initiative to design a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable campus housing profession. 

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and additional societal disruptions of the early 2020s, it became apparent that the models that served the field well previously might not do so moving forward. Created by the Executive Board, supported by the ACUHO-I Foundation, and energized by input from dozens of volunteers, the project began by appointing Steven Herdon to an ex officio role on the board as the Future of the Profession Initiative Director. 

Through Phase I: Inquiry, diverse perspectives identified eight topics that would be vital moving forward. The eight focus areas are:

  • Championing Facility Design and Maintenance
  • Communicating Campus Housing's Value
  • Creating Inclusive Communities
  • Enabling Workforce Sustainability
  • Fostering Strategic Collaborations
  • Learning as an Organization
  • Shifting the Higher Education Business Model
  • Strengthening Mental Health

In Phase 2: Discovery, teams of volunteers researched what resources, data, and insights could provide guidance. They also proposed resources, and all these results were collected in an extensive report. Now in Phase 3: Design, you will find the ongoing results of that work. It is not a step-by-step guide but rather a sketch of what that future can be, what questions will have to be considered throughout the process, and a guiding hand to reach solutions appropriate for a variety of campuses. 

This community will host an ever-growing collection of products, frameworks, templates, knowledge pieces, resources, and more. In addition, it will be the home for insightful discussions and informed give-and-take as ACUHO-I members turn to the most valuable resource they have; each other.

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  • #FutureoftheProfession-General #EnablingWorkforceSustainability

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  • This presentation was done at Campus Home Live! in Milwaukee, WI. Please feel free to contact the presenters ...

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